OK, so you’re firmly entrenched in a work transition and might even be considering the fact that you will never, ever have another job. So, you take another stab at the job hunt, pull out the 20-gauge, and begin shooting at any job that moves. Interestingly, you might actually hit something and, if the stars and planets align, it could be even be your dream spot. More likely, however, is that you’ll be blasting your résumé off into thin air without so much as even nicking an employer. This is when your critic appears and begins telling you the reason you haven’t bagged anything is, quite simply, because you’re a lousy shot.
Don’t listen yourself!
Great careers don’t just happen by … well, happenstance. Great careers are crafted, molded, and designed. First and foremost, however, they require planning. And lots of it. If you find you’re not making the headway you want in finding the right spot for your unique talents, you will want to check out the The Five O'Clock Club.
Established in 1883, The Five O'Clock Club offers job seekers the tools they really need to source and land the job they want. But understand that landing your best-fit career requires, first and foremost, aiming at the right opportunities before pulling the trigger.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Executive Onboarding Note: The Importance Of The Confidence To Be Open To
While executive onboarding, get help. If it’s offered, take it. If it’s not
offered, find it.
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